Thursday, October 31, 2013

Economy during the '90s

We all know about the history-making economic expansion from 1993-2000, but how did this happen? Two factors to this were the war and trade. In the early 90's, the war with Iraq erupted, allowing many businesses producing war supplies to flourish. Also, NAFTA was passed allowing trade to open up giving businesses more opportunities to expand. These two factors, along with many others, allowed GDP to rise and for the economy to expand.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Is GDP an Accurate Measure of our Nation's Economy?

Some people might think that the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is not an accurate measure of the United States' economic well-being since it doesn't take into account leisure time, underground economy (illegal transactions), happiness, and others. However, I still think the GDP is a good interpretation of the economy. Those factors left out, should be left out since they aren't qualities easily tracked and measured. Obviously, the government won't know too much about the underground economy, otherwise it wouldn't be there, and how is one supposed to measure happiness? I believe adding consumer expenditures, investments, government purchases, and net exports is the best way to evaluate our nation's economy.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Government Shutdown

Government shut downs have existed for awhile, but are very rare. Recently, Congress could not agree on a budget for Obamacare, leading to shutdown of the government. While I feel government shut downs are very unfortunate occurrences as it slows down the nation and economy, I do understand that it needs to happen. Obamacare is a bill like any other and if Congress cannot make a decision, then it should be treated like any other bill. Hopefully this shut down will be beneficial and Congress can actually work together to solve their differences and problems.