Monday, April 7, 2014

Senator G and his Opposition on the Sanctions

Last Thursday, in a dark alleyway, Senator G was seen sneaking into a meeting for the Communist group, R.E.D. An hour and a half later, when he walked out, he was shocked to be confronted with questions from local newspapers. When asked why he was meeting there, he avoided the question and walked away.
Senator G is widely-known for his strong disagreement of the sanctions on Russia. He believes they will not affect Russia in any way and will only hurt the United States.
After this questionable event, many wonder his true reasons behind opposing the sanctions on Russia. Is he a supporter of Communism? Is he supporting Russia and their attacks on Ukraine? These questions are traveling around looking for answers. Answers which he has not given.
With Russia moving in on Ukraine, the United States searches for a way to help without risking the lives of their own or of the innocent Ukrainians. The sanctions are trade embargoes and plan to hurt the Russian economy in hopes they'll back out, out of necessity. A partial embargo has already been set and negative effects can be seen in Russia's stock market.
With these positive points for the sanctions, people are really starting to wonder why Senator G would be so opposed to them.