Tuesday, September 24, 2013

SNAP Program

SNAP is the abbreviation for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, most commonly known as food stamps. In the past years, the number of people on this program has dramatically increased, and now there is talk about cutting the program by $40 billion dollars in the next 10 years. I do believe that there is a large need for this program since many Americans need the assistance, but I don't think that every single person on the program actually needs it. During the election season, when Romney and Obama were campaigning, I specifically remember, and will never forget, a comment one person made. "I want Obama to win so I can have my food stamps." Oh man, that angered me. The way she said it, it was so obvious that she was abusing these privileges and knew it, too. Now, I know that for many Americans food stamps are a necessity, but there are some who don't actually need them and are just abusing their right. Therefore, a cut in this program  may not be such a bad idea.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Syria: What Should We Do?

About a year ago, President Obama drew a "line in the sand" telling Syria that if they used chemical weapons, it would be crossing the line and that the United States would come after them. Well, Syria crossed that metaphorical line and now the president feels he must live up to his word. However, this would not be the first time Obama, or any president at that, has gone against his word, so why should "pride" get in the way this time? Especially when many lives and loads of money are at stake.

I don't want to come off as "heartless", because it is absolutely terrible what is happening over there, but would U.S intervention make much of a difference? There are a lot of problems going on in that part of the world, and frankly, there is no place for America to try and "help". The United States has a lot going on as is; I think we should focus on that and not risk the lives of many Americans or the stability of our country.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

No Such Thing as Free Lunch

In Psychology class, we watched a video about people who would go to extreme measures (from pressing a button 5000 times, to bowing down to a machine) to get free Fantastic Delites. But were these really free? Not quite. To get these chips, the participant needed to spend time. From each request of the Fantastic Delite machine, one needed to spend time to accomplish those, therefore, these chips were not free.