Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Fair Taxation

Today in class, we took a poll of which type of taxation was more fair: proportional or progressive. I was really confused with the results, though, as many students chose the progressive tax. In an environment where we are taught "hard work pays off" it really took me back when the majority chose the method that taxes those who earn more a larger amount. In my opinion, a proportional tax is the most fair, as everyone is treated equally. Having those who earn higher incomes (key word "earn") get charged more isn't right. Those people, who work extremely hard and provide most for the economy, should not be punished. This is America, a place where people are supposed to have economic freedom, and the progressive tax takes away that freedom.

1 comment:

  1. I understand, but at the same time disagree, because people will work a full day of hard labor and come home and can barely provide for their families, but they are still held to the same standard as someone like Donald Trump? It just seems unrealistic for people to be held to the same standard when there are so many complicated situations and stories.
