Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Obamacare, More Like ObamaDoesn'tCare

During the past few days in Economics class, I and one other student researched why Obamacare should be repealed, and boy did we find many reasons. When the bill was introduced, it said it would lower the prices of health care and medical services, but that promise seems to be broken. It turns out that giving everyone, actually forcing everyone to buy healthcare will increase costs as more people now need to be covered. Businesses are also hurting. The rapidly changing policies are confusing and distracting, and smaller business simply cannot afford all of the requirements. Besides the fact that the bill doesn't seem to work, it is plainly unconstitutional. We're supposed to be free here in America, and being forced to buy health care, something people might not want to pay for, is stripping us of our rights. Obamacare is an expensive law that should be repealed.

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